A break from normal programming

A break from normal programming

The other week both Adam and Paul succumbed to a little head cold – nothing serious, but both had a few days of sniffles and feeling a bit off. Miraculously I managed to avoid it. Then a nasty head cold started to do the rounds at work and over the course of about two days I slowly ground to a halt. I was hot, cold, ached all over, became congested and just felt plain lethargic. A COVID test, a few litres of Lemsip and a couple of naps later I’m on the mend, but still feeling slow and not 100 per cent.

As a result I’m hitting pause on my post for this week, while I wait for the sneezes to subside.

Have a wonderful week.

M. x

The calm Easter

The calm Easter

The Easter break is almost upon us and I for one can’t wait.  To me, Easter always feels like a laid-back holiday – there isn’t the same level of expectation, planning and hysteria like at Christmas.  Perhaps it also stems from the fact, that when I was a child, Easter was always a really quiet time in my family.  We rarely travelled during the few days off.  It was always about recharging batteries, indulging in good food (and some chocolate!) and receiving a pair new winter pyjamas.

This year I’ve got a firm picture in my mind as to what I want to do…

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A time to rest

A time to rest

What do you do when you get sick?  Do you tend to plough on, taking the minimum amount of time off (me!) or do you stop and only let yourself return to ‘normal’ when you’re 80, 90 or 100 per cent o.k. again?

I got two migraines in the space of five days earlier this month, and it was rough.  After my first migraine, I returned to work the following day and tried to get back to regular life, however after I got the second one a few days later, I decided I needed to be a little more gentle on myself…

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A return to reading

A return to reading

Throughout my entire childhood and for the majority of my adult life I’ve been a voracious reader. I’ve always loved lingering in libraries and book shops.  Picking up tome after tome, reading covers and being delighted and drawn-in by cover art.

Last year, days before travelling to Iceland, I started Black Swan Green by David Mitchell and was really quite enjoying it – but then somehow I got a third of the way through and suddenly it was days and then weeks and then months, and I hadn’t read a page…

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A table for one

A table for one

I’ve been in Sydney this week for work and while I’ve loved the hustle and bustle of the city for a few days I’m looking forward to getting home and waking to the sound of birdsong, rather than traffic.

Whenever I travel for work I often cocoon myself in the comfort of my hotel, preferring to get meals to go, or room service.  This trip I’ve had particularly unsociable working hours, so instead of vegging out in my room I’ve been trying to get out during my downtime to really appreciate the pleasure of a ‘table for one’…

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The healing power of tea

The healing power of tea

The other week I found myself in the unenviable position of not being able to ‘switch off’.

I’d had an exhausting day at work, both emotionally and mentally, and I was still digesting some heartbreaking news involving some friends in the U.K.

My mind just wouldn’t shut down.  I couldn’t concentrate, I felt twitchy and knew I needed to eat, but didn’t feel hungry.  After an evening of TLC by wonderful fiancé and a deep, uninterrupted sleep I felt 100 times better.

So starting from last weekend, I’ve been trying really hard to look after my soul and I’ve found one thing that’s helped me…

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