

This month has felt like a bit mixed up. A fortnight ago it was almost 40 degrees, this weekend just gone was cool and grey with the occasional shower of rain. I’ve been doing autumn jobs in the garden, like deadheading and pruning, but many of our plants are still growing new flowers, awash with colour like midsummer. Really, I shouldn’t be surprised- we are in that transeasonal period. But for some reason it feels particularly jarring this year…

Continue reading “March”



This year has not started the way I anticipated. Beginning on Christmas Eve and lasting until mid-January our household was affected by a wave a sickness. Nothing too serious, but enough to warrant visits to the doctors, prescription medication and lots of rest. It quashed some loosely discussed plans of travel and resulted in a lot more time spent at home than I expected…

Continue reading “January”



This month seems to have whizzed by in record time. For me it both began and ended with a cold – with perhaps five or so days respite in between. We’ve had flood induced visitors (at one point, there were four adults, two kids, a dog and a pair of goldfish residing at our house) and done lots and lots and lots of planting in our new garden…

Continue reading “November”