A return to reading

Women under wool check blanket reading a book.

Throughout my entire childhood and for the majority of my adult life I’ve been a voracious reader. I’ve always loved lingering in libraries and book shops.  Picking up tome after tome, reading covers and being delighted and drawn-in by cover art.

Last year, days before travelling to Iceland, I started Black Swan Green by David Mitchell and was really quite enjoying it – but then somehow I got a third of the way through and suddenly it was days and then weeks and then months, and I hadn’t read a page…

I think it was the longest I’d ever gone without reading anything.  It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying the book, I just didn’t have the inclination to sit and read.   I was still reading news articles and blogs, but the humble book just wasn’t appealing.

Finally after sitting on my bedside table for months, I got the guilts and picked up Black Swan Green and finished it.  It took a week or so and I must confess, those first few chapters were hard to get through, but when I did finally finish the book I felt an enormous sense of satisfaction. (If you like coming of age stories, descriptions of life in a small British village and 80s music you’ll enjoy Black Swan Green)

Woman reading book in bed.

I then got the urge to start something new, and so Adeline Yen Mah’s Falling Leaves (which I purchased at a second hand book fair a while ago) was started.  I know I’m about a two decades behind everyone else on reading it, but there was something about this biographical story (which is really quite depressing and an insight how a dysfunctional family life can affect every facet of your life) which sucked me in.

Woman reading while eating breakfast.

I was back reading whenever I could – in bed of an evening, on days off over a long breakfast, on the lounge after work, even on a park bench one day waiting to meet Adam in town. I also I found myself back at the library, perusing books and looking for a new story to get into.

Woman reading on park bench surrounded by autumnal leaves.

It’s been so nice to get stuck into a story once more.  I didn’t really realise how much I missed reading, until I started again. I’m loving the escapism my books are offering me at the moment, as well as that cozy solitude and comfort a good book brings.

Have you ever gone off a beloved hobby or pastime before?  Did you return to it at some stage?  And most important… what are reading at the moment?!  I’m now super keen to have a new reading list lined up and ready to go!

Have a wonderful week. x



6 thoughts on “A return to reading

  1. I’ve also recently rediscovered the joys of reading. It’s been refreshing to curl up on the couch without the tv on, and sit and escape reality for an hour or so. One of life’s most underrated pleasures.


  2. I love reading and I go through a book a week which I read on the way to and from work and in the evenings. I visit the library once a week and always have a collection of books to choose from.


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