A taste of England

A taste of England

A few weeks ago I received an email reminding me I had a voucher to spend an online retailer specialising in books, music and films. I’d totally forgotten I’d received the voucher, so it felt like a real windfall – a chance to treat myself to something new to devour.

Scrolling through the pages of items on offer, I came across a National Trust cookbook and was immediately sold.  I ordered it and a few days later it arrived…

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A return to reading

A return to reading

Throughout my entire childhood and for the majority of my adult life I’ve been a voracious reader. I’ve always loved lingering in libraries and book shops.  Picking up tome after tome, reading covers and being delighted and drawn-in by cover art.

Last year, days before travelling to Iceland, I started Black Swan Green by David Mitchell and was really quite enjoying it – but then somehow I got a third of the way through and suddenly it was days and then weeks and then months, and I hadn’t read a page…

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