When life gets turned a little upside down

This week has not gone to plan. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be using my Sunday afternoon to write this post on my phone whilst sat in a hospital, but that’s exactly what I’m doing…

Adam and I brought Paul in to our local emergency department on Friday after a few days of him being unwell. We’d visited our GP the day prior and we knew by Friday lunchtime it was where we needed to be.

We’ve spent the weekend here and it’s still not clear when we might get discharged. Paul’s not gravely ill, but at the moment the hospital can offer him a better recovery environment than home.

It’s been a stressful, emotional, exhausting few days but the entire family is in good spirits. The doctors and nurses have shown us so much care and compassion and Adam and I have so appreciated the facilities available to parents at the hospital thanks to Ronald McDonald House.

Hopefully come next week life will be looking a little more normal.

Until then, have a wonderful week.

M. x

12 thoughts on “When life gets turned a little upside down

  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Adam, and Paul. Hoping the doctors find what is wrong with Paul and he gets well quickly.



  2. I hope he’s on the mend now Mel and Adam, I’m so sorry to read he’s been poorly! Get well soon Paul, love from Melsa, Dave, Max and Elana xxxx


  3. I’ve finally found your blog again. I’ve missed it so much! And during the “missing” period (no clue why I couldn’t find it, by the way), you’ve had a dear baby and he’s been sick. Blessings to you all and PS–we have wonderful Aussie neighbors who lived in Wagga Wagga. As soon as I heard that, I thought of you!


    1. Hello Angela and welcome back! Thank you for your kind words- the little man is back home after a stay in hospital and is slowly getting back to his regular self. And how funny about that Wagga connection!

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