A special surprise

Ivy growing across a wooden door in Worcester, England.

Ever since we started seeing each other, Adam and I have been pretty good at planning and keeping regular ‘dates’ – meals out, days out or mini-breaks that allow us to spend quality time together as a couple, away from the regular routine of home.

Most of the time it’s something we’ve planned and will look forward to together, but the other week Adam organised a surprise date for me…

I’d had a bit of a trying day and had driven 45 minutes to go and pick Adam up from work. We were on our way back home and I was suggesting what we could cook for dinner that night. With his best poker face, Adam said to me ‘Or we could go to the restaurant I’ve booked in Worcester?!’ It was one of the few times in my life where I was a little lost for words. Even though I was tired and felt a under dressed, it was such a thoughtful and unexpected gesture that I had to agree to the impromptu evening out.

We started our date at the oldest pub in Worcester grabbing a cosy corner table besides a window.

Exterior wall to Worcester pub, 'The Cardinal's Hat'.

The next stop was a tiny bar, not far from the city’s cathedral. From the outside it looked fairly non-descript, but inside it was dark and moody. The bar specialises in cocktails and my mint julep was probably one of the best I’ve ever had. Deliciously cold with the cutest rosette of mint leaves I’ve ever seen.

Interior of Worcester bar 'The Glove in Hand'

Mint julep cocktail at Worcester bar, 'Glove in Hand'.

The third and final stop for the evening was a restaurant Adam had told me about when we were living in Australia, due to its wonderful view over the Severn River.  We were greeted with drinks on arrival and I ate way too much – including a rather tasty cheddar soufflé that I’m still dreaming about.

Cheddar souffle at Browns at the Quay at Worcester.

By the end of the night my bad day was long forgotten. It was such a lovely treat and I really don’t think I’ve ever had a surprise quite like it.  I’m now keen to spring a similar night out on Adam! Have you ever had a surprise date? Where did it take you?



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