Golden Valley

Golden Valley

Malvern may be famous for its hills but there are also a couple of lovely commons at the base of the slopes.

Commons are like huge open plan parks.  They often have livestock grazing on them and you’re allowed to walk, picnic and play on the land. In Australia, I think a reserve would be the closest equivalent.

Last weekend Adam and I found ourselves at Castlemorton Common, which is just south of the village of Welland. It’s famous for being the site of England’s biggest illegal rave, but these days is just a nice place for a Sunday walk!

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A picnic with Frank

A picnic with Frank

It’s been a big few days in Malvern, with a family reunion of sorts taking place. Adam’s brother John, his partner Sally and their dog Frank Cabbage came and visited!

John, Sally and Frank took the train from London on Friday morning for a jam-packed few days of eating, drinking and generally being merry.

Corgi sitting on a train
Frank behaving himself on the train.

Continue reading “A picnic with Frank”